Just Look Up by Courtney Walsh Review



After tirelessly climbing the ranks of her Chicago-based interior design firm, Lane Kelley is about to land her dream promotion when devastating news about her brother draws her back home–a quaint tourist town full of memories she’d just as soon forget. With her cell phone and laptop always within reach, Lane aims to check on her brother while staying focused on work–something her eclectic family doesn’t understand.

Ryan Brooks never expected to settle down in Harbor Pointe, Michigan, but after his final tour of duty, it was the only place that felt like home. Now knee-deep in a renovation project that could boost tourism for the struggling town, he is thrilled to see Lane, the girl he secretly once loved, even if the circumstances of her homecoming aren’t ideal.

Their reunion gets off to a rocky start, however, when Ryan can’t find a trace of the girl he once knew in the woman she is today. As he slowly chips away at the walls Lane has built, secrets from his past collide with a terrible truth even he is reluctant to believe. Facing a crossroads that could define his future with Lane and jeopardize his relationship with the surrogate family he’s found in the Kelleys, Ryan hopes Lane can see that maybe what really matters has been right in front of her all along–if only she’d just look up.

My Thoughts:

This story follows Lane, who struggles with social anxiety and has trouble fitting in with her family. She still feels the effects of her childhood, where she was nicknamed “Pudge” and not treated well.

I related to Lane in many ways. She felt very real and the descriptions of her anxiety were very accurate. As I was reading, I was reminded of some difficult memories from my childhood of being teased and feeling left out. I also related wholeheartedly when her brother was almost questioning her anxiety and making her feel like she could control it. (Been there, done that). I also found myself nodding furiously during the scene when she goes to her hometown church.

I loved how Ryan helped Lane to see where her priorities should be and found his love for her to be very special.

The town of Harbor Pointe was a great setting and I’m excited to know that this is only book one in a series of stories taking place in this small lakeside touristy town.

I also found Lane’s job as an interior designer to be interesting to read about. I’ve often thought that would be a fun job so it was fun to learn some of the ins and outs of it.

Overall, I loved this book. The writing flowed very easily and I flew through the story and was very sad to see it end. I will definitely be reading more books by Courtney.

My Rating:



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